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Western Fence Lizard's Diet

| Updated September 26, 2017

The western fence lizard, also known as a blue belly or a swift, is a species of lizard native to the western United states including Oregon, California, Nevada and Utah. It is part of the spiny lizard family. The western fence lizard can survive in a variety of climates including coastal scrub, foothills and forested areas. The western fence lizard is a carnivore, eating mostly insects and small animals.


i fly image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.com

In its natural habitat, the western fence lizard commonly feeds on caterpillars, beetles, ticks, crickets, flies and ants. The western fence lizard uses its tongue to snatch the insects off of the ground.


i spider image by Pali A from Fotolia.com

Western fence lizards commonly feed on spiders found in their native habitat. Young western fence lizards, however, are commonly prey for spiders such as the black widow.


i scorpion image by Loïc from Fotolia.com

Western fence lizards eats arthropods such as scorpions and centipedes.

Other Lizards

i small lizard portrait on dark background image by Alexander Potapov from Fotolia.com

Though rare, western fence lizards are known to eat other lizards, even ones of the same species.

In Captivity

i cricket image by Eric Isselée from Fotolia.com

Western fence lizards are often kept as pets. In addition to caught insects such as flies, beetles and ants, the western fence lizard will eat store-bought insects such as crickets, mealworms and waxworms.