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The Pros and Cons of Schnoodles

| Updated September 26, 2017

The schnoodle made its first appearance in the late 1980s. This hybrid breed is a mix between a poodle and a schnauzer. Since the original breeds both vary in color, height and weight, a schnoodle will vary depending on the type of schnauzer and type of poodle used during breeding. As with any type of dog, there are pros and cons that should be considered before buying one.

Pros and Cons: Allergen-Friendly Coat

Schnauzers and poodles are both breeds that are known to have nonshedding coats, which means you won't have pet hair all over your furniture. However, a nonshedding coat has a habit of matting or tangling together. As an owner of a Schnoodle, you will have to purchase grooming kits or take your pet to be frequently groomed to prevent the coat from matting together.

Pro: Indoor Pet

Individuals looking for a pet for a condominium or apartment may be a god fit for a pet schnoodle. Schnoodles require exercise and play relative to their size. Since the average schnoodle ranges from 10 to 20 inches, the play space does not have to be as large as a larger breed needs.

Pro: Easily Trained and Friendly

Schnoodles take after poodles in that they are easily trained, according to GreatDogSite.com. Schnoodles are considered very intelligent dogs and take to training well when trained early. A schnoodle is very family oriented and enjoys being around humans for companionship.

Con: Barking

Schnoodles are prone to excessive barking. Though they are relatively small in size, repetitive barking does occur with this breed, which may cause problems for their owners and neighbors. Schnoodles can be trained to reduce their barking, but they must be trained early.

Con: Not a Purebred

A schnoodle is a hybrid dog; therefore, it is not recognized as a purebred by any of the Kennel Clubs. The schnoodle can be registered with the American Canine Hybrid Club as a hybrid. No matter what, even if the schnauzer and poodle used to make a schnoodle are purebred, the schnoodle cannot be sold or registered as a purebred.

Con: Diseases

As with any dog breed, there are diseases to which each type of breed is prone. Since schnoodles are a hybrid of two breeds, the diseases of both breeds are a concern for them. Diseases such as heart disease, progressive retinal atrophy, von Willebrand’s and dog skin allergies are all well-known ailments of poodles and schnauzers, according to DogBreedLists.com.