If you're seriously interested in having a gargoyle gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) as a pet, his living environment and overall comfort should be your priority. Before bringing one of these mainly arboreal creatures into your home, make sure you're equipped with a tank of the appropriate size.
Basic Details
Gargoyle gecko lizards hail from New Caledonia in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. New Caledonia is the only place they're found in the wild. Damp forests are a common habitat for the species. They frequently inhabit forests within mountainous areas. They spend the bulk of their time in trees. They typically rest under thick plants, whether in openings of trees or on the forest floor. Their wild feeding plan is made up of other lizards, pollen, flowers, spiders and bugs. Gargoyle geckos are fixtures as pets. In captive environments, they tend to be highly robust animals. They also tend to display meek and gentle basic dispositions. For the most part, these geckos are nocturnal. They occasionally do venture out during the day.
Body Size
If you're considering adding a gargoyle gecko to your household, consider their typical adult sizes beforehand. They are midsize reptiles, usually around 8 inches long at full maturity, including tails. Without taking their tails into consideration, gargoyle geckos are between 4 and 4.5 inches from their nose tips to their vents, at the bases of their tails.
Optimal Tank Size
In optimal situations, two fully mature gargoyle geckos can live in a tank that can accommodate 20 gallons, advises Allen Repashy and Philippe de Vosjoli of the website ReptileChannel.com. If you're planning on allowing numerous gargoyle geckos to live together, note that a single male can usually work harmoniously with a handful of female specimens. If males live together, however, they often battle it out, especially if individuals from the fairer sex are present. Play it safe and abstain from allowing males to ever share a space.
Youngsters don't need tanks as large as those of adults. When by themselves, juveniles tend to thrive in reptile tanks that can manage 10 gallons. Young gargoyle geckos often aggressively nip others' tails, so don't allow them to live in pairs or groups until they're mature.
Importance of Screen Lids
Screen lids are a must for all gargoyle gecko tanks, regardless of gecko age. If these lids are sturdy and seated properly, they can encourage the healthy flow of air -- a good thing for your gargoyle gecko. Good flow promotes vitality and energy in these geckos, and helps facilitate an overall glowing condition. With the right care, gargoyle geckos can live for 15 to 20 years. Take your gargoyle gecko to an exotic veterinarian for routine checkups.
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