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How to Use a Heating Pad on a Dog?

| Updated September 26, 2017

You need to understand how to properly use a heating pad on a dog before you buy one; otherwise, there can be dangerous or even life-threatening results for your dog. Before you purchase a heating pad, you should research the different products available and choose one that offers the features you need and that will help keep your dog safe.

Avoid using a heating pad that has an electric cord if you have a puppy or if your dog tends to chew on items in your home.

Supervise your dog. If you have an electric heating pad, you need to supervise your dog at all times. The heating pad should come with an automatic shutoff to protect your dog, but in the case of malfunction, you need to be there to protect your dog. Malfunctioning heating pads have been known to severely burn or even kill dogs.

Use a microwavable heating pad if you can't supervise your dog. Microwaveable heating pads can simply be placed in the microwave and heated up before use. Follow directions carefully and always test the temperature on a more sensitive part of your own skin, such as your arm or stomach, before using it on your dog.

Place the heating pad underneath a pillow or cushion that your dog lies on. Don't let your dog lie directly on the heating pad. This can cause a mild to severe burn.