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How to Tame a Wild Rabbit

| Updated November 01, 2017


  • Always use caution when approaching any wild animal. They can carry various diseases and can cause serious harm if you are attacked.


  • Keeping the rabbit cage clean will reduce germs and disease significantly.

How to Tame a Wild Rabbit. While most rabbits are cute and cuddly, wild rabbits can be dangerous. If you find a wild rabbit that's in environmental danger and want to help it, you can try to tame the rabbit and assist with its relocation.

Set a humane trap to capture the wild rabbit. These can be purchased at your local feed or pet supply store. Setting a trap can help ensure the rabbit's safety.

Feed the wild rabbit. Older rabbits can eat grass and alfalfa. Young babies can be fed kitten replacement milk, but never give a rabbit cow's milk. Remember to provide plenty of water.

House the wild rabbit in a rabbit cage, and be cautious when putting your arms and hands into the cage with the rabbit. Just because you have caught the wild rabbit doesn't mean that it's suddenly tame.

Provide a suitable nest area in the cage for the wild rabbit consisting of a bed of leaves. Then place the cage under small shrubbery for security.

Keep the rabbit cage clean by removing the waste and replacing any pellets or papers on a regular basis. Many rabbit cages have a grated bottom to allow rabbit waste to drop below so the rabbit is not stepping on it or sitting in it.

Make numerous appearances in front of the wild rabbit. After showing him that you're not there to scare or injure him, he will eventually become tame and get used to you being around. In time you may be able place your hand near the cage and have the wild rabbit come to you for a brief petting session.