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How to Put Stirrups on an English Saddle

| Updated September 26, 2017

When you purchase an English saddle, you will need to get stirrup leathers and stirrups to put on your saddle. Fortunately, putting your saddle together is easy.

Things You'll Need

  • English saddle.

  • Stirrup leathers.

  • Stirrup irons.

Thread your stirrup leather through the gap at the top of the stirrup iron and buckle the stirrup leather to create a loop. Don't worry about length, you can adjust the buckle later to make sure the stirrups are the correct length for you.

Lift the small flap of leather on the side of your saddle to locate the stirrup bar. Slide the stirrup leather onto the bar. Make sure that the buckle on the stirrup leather is facing you and the extra leather strap is hanging toward the ground.

Close the stirrup bar by lifting it so that it bends at the hinge and points up toward the seat of your saddle. This prevents the stirrup leathers from sliding off of the stirrup bar, though not all saddles have this feature.

Adjust the buckle until the stirrups are the correct length for you. Then pull the strap of leather that lies closest to the horse's body and pull until the buckle rests against the stirrup bar.