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How to Put Garlic Powder in Horse Feed for Fly Repellent

| Updated September 26, 2017

During warmer months of the year, flies appear in abundant numbers, but some also survive during the winter. Nuisance flies, such as the common house fly, and biting flies, such as the stable fly, gather in areas where manure is present and survive during the winter months in the warmer, more hospitable environment. No matter what the season, livestock, such as horses, bear the irritation of flies on their faces and bodies. Horse owners can add garlic powder to the horse's food and repel flies naturally.

Sprinkle 1 tsp. of garlic powder on the top of the horse's feed. This will allow the horse to experience the taste and smell without being overwhelmed. Continue adding 1 tsp. to the food for the next three days.

Increase the amount of garlic powder to 2 teaspoons. Continue sprinkling 2 tsp. on the food for approximately three days. Increase the amount by 1 tsp. every three days, not exceeding 9 tsp. per day.

Monitor the horse's feeding area. Ensure that it is eating the food and not throwing it on the floor. Reduce the amount of garlic by 1/2 tsp. if you discover the horse is not eating. Sprinkle the reduced amount on the food for three to seven days before increasing it again by 1/2 tsp.

Increase the amount by 1/2 tsp. every three to seven days until you reach a maximum amount of 9 tsp. or approximately 3 tablespoons.


  • While you could see positive results in as little as one week, allow several weeks for the garlic to build up in the horse's body to see results.

    Purchase garlic powder at feed stores or herbal animal supply stores.


  • Do not exceed 3 tbsp. of garlic powder per day. While increasing the dosage, monitor your horse to see if the numbers of flies irritating it are reduced or non-existent.