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How to Make Cream From Goat's Milk

| Updated August 11, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • 2 gallons goat's milk

  • 2 pots or a double boiler

  • Thermometer

  • 2 large bowls

  • Ice

  • Ladle


  • Goat's cream takes longer to rise than cow's cream.

Do you want to make fresh cream from goat's milk? Not only is goat-milk cream healthier than store-bought cream, it is also much better tasting. Goat's cream is obtained in a similar manner to cow's cream, but goat cream takes longer to separate. Freshly chilled animal milk will naturally separate into cream and liquid after about 24 hours.

Obtain two gallons of goat's milk from a store or from your goat.

Boil a pot of water and place another pot on top of it to create a double boiler. Pour the milk into the top pot. Bring the temperature of the milk up to 145 to 165 degrees. Keep this temperature steady for half an hour, stirring occasionally to keep the milk from burning. This is the pasteurization process, which--while not required--makes the milk and cream safer and more sanitary.

Store the goat's milk in clean gallon containers surrounded by ice until the temperature of the milk drops to 40 degrees, and then store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours to allow the cream to rise to the top of the milk.

Remove the pot of chilled milk and skim the top layer of cream off the surface using a ladle. Place the cream into another bowl, and put the milk back into the refrigerator.

Skim the cream off the top of the milk every day for several days, until no more cream rises.