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How to Make a Bird Sleep Tent

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape

  • Heavy duty cardboard

  • Box cutter

  • Sewing machine

  • Fabric

  • Straight pins

  • Needle

  • Thread

  • Scissors

In the wild, birds seek hiding places to protect them from the dangers that may befall them when the world is shrouded in darkness. During sleep, a portion of a bird's brain is alert and aware, in protective mode against predators. Despite the safety your bird's cage affords, a sleep tent provides additional comfort and can mimic the hideaway your bird might seek if he lived his life outside of captivity.

Measure your bird's height using the measuring tape. Your bird will need to be able to stand upright inside of her tent.

Lay out your cardboard. Using the box cutter, cut your cardboard until the width is 5 inches. You're creating a tent-shaped triangle. Begin at one end of the length of your cardboard and fold your cardboard upward into a 45-degree angle until the center height is equal to the measurement you took in step 1. Allow 3 inches for the bottom length of your triangle, then angle up the other end of the cardboard until it meets the center, forming a triangle. Cut the excess length from your cardboard using the box cutter.

Using the cardboard as a guide, measure your fabric. You'll need two pieces of fabric. One for the outside of your sleep tent, and a soft interior fabric such as fleece. Leave a 1-inch edge along three sides for a seam allowance. At one end of the width, leave 2 inches of fabric.

Cut your fabric according to the measurements you took in step 3.

Lay out your cut fabric with the right sides of the fabric facing each other. Pin along one end widthwise, leaving a 1-inch seam allowance.

Sew the end you pinned in step 5.

Place your cardboard piece inside your fabric, and using it as a guide, pin along one side, lengthwise, leaving a 1-inch seam allowance.

Remove the cardboard and sew the seam you pinned in step 7.

Slip the cardboard into the fabric, and pin along the remaining lengthwise edge, leaving a 1-inch seam allowance.

Remove the cardboard and sew the seam you pinned in step 9.

Trim your seams to about 1/4 inch, using the scissors.

Turn your fabric right side out.

Insert the cardboard into the fabric and fold into your tent-shaped triangle. If your cardboard is very thick, score it with the box cutter. Scoring means you'll pierce the cardboard to make it easier to fold, without cutting it all the way through.

Close the final seam where the 2 inches of fabric overhang the top of your sleep tent. Fold this excess fabric over to create a smooth edge and pin. Hand stitch this seam closed.

Mount your sleep tent onto an existing perch inside your birdcage by sliding the peak of your tent onto the perch.


  • To hang your sleep tent, thread thin wire through the peak of your tent at the front and back of your peak. Thread the wire through a 1-inch lanyard clip and twist the wire to close. Hang your sleep tent by clipping the lanyard clips to the top of your bird's cage.


  • Remove any loose threads that may be eaten by your bird.

    Check your tent often to make sure your bird isn't chewing the fabric or threads.

    Keep scissors, pins and needles away from children.