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How to Identify Common Wyoming Spiders

| Updated September 26, 2017

Learn about spiders in Wyoming; which ones are dangerous, and which ones are deadly. The listed spiders that are found in Wyoming are also found in many states across the country. Use extreme caution when crossing these spiders' paths.


Observe the color and the markings on this spider for identification. The brown recluse is rusty brown in color. It has a violin-shaped marking on its head that also stretches to the upper part of the body.

Measure the length of the brown recluse. This spider is typically 1/4 to 3/4 inch long from the top of the head to the end of the body.

Examine the bite mark. The brown recluse's venom eats away at the tissue surrounding the bite and continues to expand in a circular pattern, producing a skin lesion that may expand to 10 inches in diameter.


Count the eyes. The brown recluse has only six eyes, instead of the traditional eight.


Observe the markings on this black widow spider for clear identification. This spider is completely black, save for a distinct red hourglass marking on its belly. Its legs are very long and skinny.

Measure the length. The black widow is 1/2 inch long from the tip of the head to the end of the body.

Watch for the symptoms. The black widow's venom affects the nervous system, which can cause vomiting, chest pains, dizziness, muscle cramps, stomachaches and the shakes.


Observe the markings many chevron markings the hobo spider. This spider is a dirt-brown color.

Observe the many chevron markings on this particular spider. This spider is a dirt brown color.

Measure the length of this creature; the body is about 1/3 to 2/3 inch long.


Learn what happens when these spiders attack. These bites often are mistaken for brown recluse spider bites, because they also kill the tissue surrounding the bite.

Watch how the hobo spider moves. This spider does not usually climb walls or other vertical surfaces; you will find them scurrying around on the ground.


Note the markings on this eight-legged creature. It has a Union Jack marking on its back, and the body ranges from gray to brown.

Measure the length of this spider. Wolf spiders are about 1/2 to 1 inch long from head to rump.

Learn what a bite from a wolf spider looks like. These bites often cause redness and become swollen. In some cases, the infected area may turn black.


Watch for multiple spiders when coming across a female, because they carry young on their backs.


Study the markings on this spider; its stomach is very large and round, and is a honey-brown color.

Measure the length of the orb-weaving spider's body. It will generally be between 2/3 and 1 inch long.

Know what this spider bite symptoms are. Symptoms include numbness and swelling at the bite site.

Look at the web. The orb-weaving spider spins a web of 6' or more to catch its prey.


Observe the markings on this spider for identification. Its stomach is striped brown and yellow, and in some areas of the body, gray.

Measure this spider; in length, it is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long from head to rump.

Know how this spider affects you. Bites from these spiders cause mild pain, numbness, swelling, nausea and dizziness.

Observe the St Andrew's Cross spider. It lies on its web upside down, with its legs in the shape of an X.


  • All spiders listed above are dangerous. Upon getting bitten by any of these spiders, seek medical attention immediately.