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Common Scorpions in East Texas

| Updated September 26, 2017

Although there are approximately 20 species of scorpions found in the state of Texas, there is only one that can predominately be found in eastern Texas. The Centruoides vittatus, otherwise known as the striped bark scorpion, is the most common scorpion found in eastern Texas. This scorpion is in the class Arachnida. It can be spotted crawling around at night to capture its food. During the day they find crevices and holes to hide in to keep their body temperatures cool. Their sting can cause pain and swelling for a few days.

Striped Bark Scorpion Characteristics

The adult striped bark scorpion is typically 2 or 3 inches in length. The male scorpion has a longer tail than the female. The color can vary in adults from yellow to tan. The most distinct color on the striped bark scorpion is the two broad black strips that are located on the upper abdomen. The scorpion has a black triangular shape on its head pointing toward its eyes, along with a black stinger. The stinger has a small tooth located on the curve of it. The striped bark scorpion has eight jointed legs.


Striped bark scorpions can be found in rocky slopes, grasslands, juniper breaks, along with under boards and debris. They tend to find dead vegetation, fallen logs and human dwellings to live in also -- any place that is cool and moist.

Life Cycle

The scorpions mate in the fall, spring and early summer with the embryos nourished in the female's body. Females can give live birth to 13 to 47 babies at a time, with full development taking about eight months. After they are born they remain on their mother's and molt before they leave and lead their own life. Molting takes place when the scorpion's exoskeleton is too small for its body. It can take place up to six times in the scorpion's life cycle. Although they can live up to 25 years, the scorpions typically only live about six years.


They can mostly be seen at night when they are most active. They come out at night to conserve body water, along with escaping the high temperatures of the daytime. The scorpion will eat insects, spiders, small centipedes and other scorpions.