How to Care for a River Otter. It is amazing that river otters can survive in captivity for approximately twenty five years and only fifteen years in the wild. These fury creatures are hunted by foxes, wolves, raptors and mainly humans. Their fur is a very desirable commodity to the human race. Follow these steps to find out how to care for a river otter.
Give a very large area for the river otter to create a habitat. This should include a body of water resembling a river, stream or creek. The river otter can stay under water for up to two minutes because of the valve-like skin in their ears and nose which keeps them airtight.
Fill the body of water with plenty of fish for the river otter to eat. They will also enjoy crustaceans and birds. The river otter is able to use its front paws to hold its prey. It also can use its whiskers as feelers in the muddy waters to capture fish.
Get a friend. River otters often play with other river otters. This is unlike most wild animals. They enjoy wrestling and playing fetch with rocks and shells. A friend of the opposite sex may also spark some romance and may create more river otters needing care.
Plant trees near the water if none already exist. The river otter will use the tree roots as a den. They will also use leaves, sticks and rocks as a den much like beaver dens. If a beaver has previously made a den nearby then the river otter will use that existing den.
Keep possible predators away. This may entail a large fence or wall to keep foxes out. They can be a serious death threat for a little river otter. When you care properly for a river otter, its lifespan is greatly increased.
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