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How to Build Horse Trailer Ramps

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Steel grading

  • Tape measure

  • Welding torch

  • Steel eyelet

  • 3 ramp hinges

  • Chain

  • 1-inch angle iron

A trailer ramp made of steel grading will help prevent the horse from slipping when being loaded or unloaded. A ramp can also make loading a reluctant horse easier. The horse can just walk right up the ramp, instead of stepping up or backing the trailer up to a hill to have a level approach. Lastly, it prevents injury to the horse by preventing him from hitting his leg on the back of the trailer.


Measure the distance from the ground to the trailer floor.

Measure the width and height of the trailer door. This will give you the width of the ramp. It needs to be a half-inch narrower than the width of the trailer door.

Obtain the proper slope of the ramp by calculating a foot long for every inch of height from the ground to the base of the ramp.

Cut all six pieces of the ramp frame from angle iron. Mark the length as “A,“ the width as “B” and the two cross braces as “C.” (These will go lengthwise and therefore will be cut the same length as "A.")

Measure and cut the steel grading to be flush on all sides with the frame.

Measure the length of the ramp from the front--which will be hinged to the trailer-- 6 feet back along the ramp on both sides. Mark as “D.” This is the point where the chain will be bolted.

Take the above length and measure from the trailer floor up the side of the trailer on both sides. Mark as “E.” This marks where the steel eyelet will be welded.


Position the flat side of the angle iron as the top side. Weld “A” to “B” to form a rectangle. Weld “C” through the center of the frame length-wise to add support.

Weld the steel grading to the frame.

Bolt a 6-inch section of chain at “D.” This will secure to the sides of the trailer when the ramp is closed.

Weld one steel eyelet at “E“on each side of the trailer. When the ramp is closed to the trailer, the chain on the ramp will hook here.

Weld the hinges to the trailer, 4 inches from each side and one in the center. Be sure all hinges are welded the same distance from the edge to ensure proper alignment when folding the ramp to the trailer. Weld the hinges to the ramp at the same distance from the edge of the ramp.


  • File any sharp edges of metal to prevent the horse or handle from being cut.


  • Wear welding gloves and mask when using the torch and welder.