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How to Breakdown Horse Manure Fast

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Manure

  • Heat source

  • Water

  • Machine or pitchfork

Composting reduces manure by half quickly and efficiently. The remaining product utilizes the natural properties of the manure to become a natural fertilizer that home gardeners use on their flower beds and gardens. Besides reducing manure, composting limits flies, kills parasites, worms and pathogens, and reduces manure smell. Farm owners can spread composted manure over pastures without harming the horse or reintroducing worms, parasites or diseases. Composting also limits the effect of the high nitrogen content in stock-piled manure on the environment and local drinking water by converting the nitrogen into a less soluble form, which keeps the nitrogen in the manure. Composting reduces manure quickly.

With Machine

Create a large pile with the manure in an out-of-the-way area that has enough space for your backhoe or other machine to maneuver.

Add heat by artificial means or with direct sunlight. The summer sun works well for this task.

Drench the pile with water. Utilize rain water or apply water from a hose. Repeat whenever the pile dries.

Turn over the pile repeated until the manure decreases in size. Dispose of the remaining manure by adding it to flower beds or advertising the composted manure in your local newspaper or on the Internet.

Without Machine

Dump the manure in 3-foot-by-3-foot piles in a out-of-the-way location near the barn. Placing the piles near the barn makes transporting the manure easier and more efficient.

Add a heat source such as the summer sun.

Add water to the manure with a hose, or in the rainy season, let nature take its course. Keep the manure moist until it composts to half its mass.

Mix with a pitchfork every day, or at least every other day, to speed up the composting process. Dispose of the compost.


  • Frequently, turn the manure to increase the swiftness of the composting process.