Anoles (Anolis ssp.) and long-tailed lizards (Takydromus sexlineatus) are similar in many ways, but they have a few important differences which prevent them from being good cage mates. Both are small, diurnal insectivores that frequent areas of secondary plant growth, such as gardens and forest edges. Additionally, both will autotomize their tails readily if grasped by a predator; while they may regenerate, regrown tails lack the length and functionality of the originals.
Problems With Pathogens
One of the key differences between the two is that anoles inhabit the New World, while long-tailed lizards are native to Southeast Asia. Because pets of both species are usually wild-caught animals, they usually have high levels of parasites, and potentially viruses or bacteria. Hailing from different continents, the animals are not likely to have any immunity to the diseases of the other -- combined with the stress of adjusting to captivity, these pathogens can quickly kill either species.
Tempting Tails
In addition to the normal challenges of keeping any two lizard species in the same cage, long-tailed lizards provide one further problem. Anoles relish larvae and small worms, and the tail tips of long-tailed lizards resemble tasty morsels. If an anole tries to eat the “larva,” he is likely to injure his cage mate, and potentially cause a more violent conflict. Though a tail wound may not kill your long-tailed lizard, you certainly want to protect his namesake appendage.
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