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Borax and Peroxide for Mange Treatment

| Updated September 26, 2017

Mange is a widespread skin ailment afflicting domestic animals such as dogs, cats, and cattle. It also affects human beings in the form of scabies. Mange is an ailment in which parasitic mites infest the infected area, generally at the hair follicles or on the skin surface and replicate building up a colony. In the process of replicating, the mites burrow deep into the skin and cause rashes accompanied with painful itching and reddening of the infected area.

About Mange

Mange is of two types--demodectic and sarcoptic. Demodectic affects dogs mostly because of the preference of the parasite Demodex canis for dogs. It results in red rashes and occurs because of a weak immune system. Sarcoptic mange afflicts humans, dogs, cats, and cattle. It’s so contagious that it can jump from one host to another easily. The mites penetrate deep into the skin, creating burrows that itch a lot, and scratching causes crusting and secondary skin issues.

Borax and Peroxide Treatment

Using a mixture of borax and hydrogen peroxide is a home remedy for treating mange in animals that is followed worldwide. However, mites that burrow deep into the skin are not cleansed with a simple borax treatment. It is for this reason that peroxide is used in 1 percent concentration, which acts as a delivery agent by penetrating the skin. Borax and peroxide treatment does not completely cure the sufferer from the infestation, but it reduces the symptoms.

Alternative Treatments

A solution of borax and peroxide is a natural remedy for the treatment of mange. However, there are other treatments as well. Veterinarians and all doctors prescribe the use of sulfurated lime for treating mange. The method involves using a sulfurated lime rinse twice a week along with a selamectin solution applied afterward. Ivermectin dosages taken three to four times a week also work alongside the regular sulfur cleansing in combating mange and most often completely cure the patient.

Borax and Peroxide As Compared to Alternative Treatments

A solution of borax and peroxide has no side effects. By contrast, the use of antibiotics and medications such as Ivermectin and so forth has a few side effects like drowsiness, vomiting, and nausea. Moreover, these medications are costlier in comparison to borax and peroxide treatment. Dogs generally tend to scratch much less with a borax and peroxide treatment compared to other kinds of treatments, and since it is easily available and cost efficient, it is a great treatment option for mange.


Borax and peroxide solutions effectively treat and destroy these parasitic infestations. A solution of borax and peroxide is an effective treatment in itself and as such can be used alone. When used alongside conventional treatment, borax and peroxide provide the perfect way to treat mange of any kind. If Ivermectin and other conventional treatments do not work as per the situation, then trying borax and peroxide is a good option.