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My Baby Bunny Is Sneezing

i cute baby rabbit image by cat from Fotolia.com

Your bunny's sneezing can be cause for worry regardless of its age, but babies are more at risk of sneeze-causing circumstances because their immune systems are still developing. Common causes of sneezing in rabbits are infections and foreign matter. A baby rabbit can sneeze as an allergic reaction to unfamiliar substances in a new environment, particularly in a new environment, or his facial and skull bones could be developing abnormally.


Sneezing in rabbits, when accompanied by yellow or blood-streaked nasal discharge, is often a sign of bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Irritation to the mucous membranes inside the nose causes inflammation, which results in sneezing. In baby rabbits this is particularly worrying because infections can become chronic, requiring lifelong treatment. Vets need to see infected rabbits. They'll usually prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections. A good diet including green leaves and plenty of fluids, along with follow-up vet appointments, are essential to a complete cure.

Foreign Objects

Baby rabbits are as curious about their new world as any domesticated animal, and they're bound to inadvertently breathe in objects such as seeds, bits of grass and other debris that will be irritating to them. When foreign objects become stuck in the nose or dental area, they're liable to cause sneezing, discharge and inflammation. Sometimes these areas become infected, too. Treatment up to surgery may be necessary. Keeping your baby bunny's environment clean helps reduce the risk of breathing in something small.


Sneezing with lots of nasal discharge is sometimes a sign of an allergic reaction. Bringing a new baby rabbit home means introducing it to unfamiliar compounds. Rabbits can be allergic to dust and pollen, too. Changing your rabbit's bedding, cleaning his cage with a different cleaner and moving him to a new room may help symptoms. Prolonged sneezing and runny nose, or other signs of disease, require a trip to the vet.


Baby rabbit skull and facial bones sometimes grow abnormally, resulting in inflammation, sneezing and discharge; symptoms appear as bones change and develop. Dental disease can also cause bone deformity. An examination by a qualified vet should reveal developing abnormal bone structures. Treatment for serious cases of sneezing and inflammation include oxygen and humidifiers. Washing the affected area can also help alleviate symptoms.