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4-H Horse Project Games

| Updated September 26, 2017

Many 4-H horse clubs use a variety of games to help members learn and have fun at the same time. Through these games, kids get to test and enhance their skill and knowledge of such things as horse anatomy, breeds and equipment.

Horse Anatomy Chart Game

A large poster of a horse in profile is used in this game along with 1/2-inch by 2-inch strips of paper with the name of a part of horse anatomy, such as withers or haunch, written on each. The contestants draw strips randomly, one by one, then affix them with tape on the appropriate location on the horse poster. Contestants get two points for "correct," one point for "close" and no points for "way off." Variations of this game can also be played based on such things as the parts of a saddle.

Horse Bowl

This is the most ubiquitous game in 4-H animal clubs of all sorts; horse clubs are no exception. The horse bowl is a quiz-show type of game where the children are divided into teams of three contestants each and tested to see which team can come up with the most (and quickest) correct answers to horse questions on everything from anatomy to care, and from breeds to showing. A buzzer system, available through 4-H, is used.

Once a question is asked by a judge, the first contestant to press her buzzer gets a chance to correctly answer the question. If she gets it wrong, the second contestant to have buzzed gets to try. Points are assigned to each team based on correct answers and sometimes partial credit is given for correct but incomplete answers. 4-H leaders can get guide books with rules, questions and answers for horse bowls through their local 4-H office.

Riding Games

4-H horse clubs in some areas play horse-riding games such as pole-weaving games and a game called the "through-the-barrel race.” This is a timed race in which a 50-gallon drum that has had both ends removed is placed on the ground, and the rider must ride up to it, dismount, go through the barrel, re-mount the horse and ride away.