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4-H Horse Poster Ideas

| Updated September 26, 2017

Being a member of 4-H gives kids an excellent opportunity to grow and learn more about the world around them. 4-H clubs provide a number of opportunities for kids and teens who are interested in horses, from professionally organized horse shows and clinics to educational events designed to help them learn more about their favorite animals. Young people can show off what they have learned by creating posters detailing aspects of riding, horse care and famous equines in history.

Physiology Studies

The anatomy and physiology of the horse is a fascinating subject for a 4-H poster. Understanding how the bones, tendons and muscles work on a horse can make people better riders by helping them get in tune with their mounts. Poster creators can focus on how horses and riders work together, complete with illustrations of horses jumping fences, herding cattle, running races and participating in other equine sports. 4-H members can also use pictures of the equine skeleton and musculature to illustrate how the horse is moving during each of those events.

Equine Health

Horses are prone to a number of ailments and diseases, and a poster focusing on health issues can be informative. Many new horse owners are ill-equipped to recognize common health problems like colic; an informational poster is the perfect way to get the word out. Poster topics can include the best de-worming schedule, symptoms of common equine diseases and the recommended vaccination schedule.

Riding Styles

Horseback riding encompasses everything from the elegance of dressage to the excitement of rodeo. 4-H members know better than most how many different styles of riding there are and they can use that knowledge to create a compelling display that will be interesting to riders and non-riders as well. Members can display pictures of different types of saddles and bridles, including antique tack from Medieval times to the old west. 4-H members can also focus on how various types of tack are designed to give the horse optimal freedom of movement while allowing the rider to remain secure.

Famous Horses

From fictional horses like Black Beauty and Flicka to Alexander the Great's Bocephus, there are plenty of famous horses in history. 4-H participants can focus on a particular area, like famous horses from history, modern literature and film, or provide a more general focus on how depictions of horses reflect society. No matter which approach they take, 4-H kids can find plenty of material, online and offline. They can adorn their posters with pictures of famous horses downloaded off the Internet and enhance the information on the display with unique facts and things viewers might not have previously known.