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What Vitamins & Minerals Do Baby Boer Goats Need?

i Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images

Boer goats are an indigenous breed, combined with Indian, European and angora breeds. In the early 1900s the boer goat was developed for meat production. Its fast growth rate and easy adjustment to dry, hot climates makes the boer goat easy to raise. Goats are typically white with brown heads, though at times, a boer goat can be solid white or solid brown. They are commonly used for meat, milk and as show goats.

Vitamins A, D and E

Green plants provide beta-carotene, which provides vitamin A to a goat's diet. Boer goats store vitamin A in the liver, using the reserved vitamin when lacking greens in the diet. Vitamin D is absorbed through the skin of the goat while being outdoors. Sun-cured hay is a good source of providing vitamin D in the diet. Vitamin E allows normal growth by working with the mineral selenium.

Salt is Essential

Salt is an important mineral for boer goats; it's a necessary mineral that is beneficial for normal bodily functions. Sodium and chlorine combined together creates salt. Boer goats will consume a large amount of salt if allowed. Proper dietary measurements are required and determined by the size, age and weight of the boer goat.

Phosphorus is a Daily Necessity

Phosphorus is required on a daily basis. Correct proportions mixed in the feed for baby boer goats is recommended. Phosphorus is an important mineral needed for growing goat kids. Beet pulp is high in phosphorus.

Critical Calcium

Calcium is a critical mineral needed to provide good health to a baby boer goat. It provides bone health and stimulates growth. Naturally providing calcium through feed such as alfalfa and legume hay is recommended. Baby boer goat bones are consistently losing calcium during growth. Calcium is needed to add maintain strength and proper growth.

Iron and Copper

Lack of iron or copper in the diet can lead to anemia. Small amounts supplied regularly is sufficient. Amounts of the minerals differentiate as the goat grows and the serving size should be adjusted accordingly. Goat-kids who are fed a milk-only diet are prone to iron deficiency, due to lack of iron in goat milk.

Iodine and Selenium

Hormones are produced through the thyroid gland, helping regulate the body. Iodine is needed for proper thyroid function. Selenium promotes normal growth. Kelp is a food source that provides iodine and selenium to the diet on a regular basis. Always consult an experienced veterinarian regarding the health and treatment of your goat.