Dogs do not solely need meat or bones to survive. For millions of years, dogs have needed a variety in their diet to be healthy and nothing has changed. Dogs should eat a variety of vegetables to get access to vitally important nutrients not founds in other food. Green, leafy vegetables are best and should form part of your dog’s diet on a daily basis.
Broccoli is often classified as a "super food" for humans, and is the same for dogs. The nutrients found in this popular vegetable, such as vitamin C, folic acid, calcium and fiber are central to a healthy dog. It is also claimed to contain several anti-cancer ingredients, which is important because cancer can affect dogs just as it does humans. It is best to cook the broccoli before giving it to your dog to aid digestion.
The high iron content in spinach makes it an excellent addition to your dog’s diet. It also contains a high level of antioxidants and is extremely high in other nutrients. As with broccoli, spinach is rich in fiber and can add much needed roughage to your dog’s diet. Try adding a small amount of spinach to your dog’s usual food to get it used to the taste – although they should like the taste just as much as any other type of food.
The tangy taste of celery should be appealing to your dog, and it is rich in calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, and vitamins A, B and C. To make sure your dog gets as many nutrients as possible, alternate the vegetables you use on a daily basis. Celery can also be used as an alternative to fatty reward foods. Giving an overweight dog a stick of celery to chew on rather than a dog biscuit will be better for it in the long run.
Carrots contain vitamins B, C, D, E and K, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and iron. Carrots can also help significantly improve eyesight. Ideally vegetables should make up 20 percent of your dog’s daily food. Try mashing the carrots up or covering some in peanut butter to entice your dog to try it. Once they get use to them they should show no reluctance toward carrots or any other vegetable.
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