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Squirrel Species in Minnesota

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Minnesota is home to abundant populations of several squirrel species. These rodents are so prevalent that the state's department natural resources overseeing hunting and trapping offers an annual squirrel season from mid-September through the end of February. For those not interesting in hunting but focused on observing these playful critters, the state has no restrictions on feeding, although wildlife officials don't recommend the practice in urban areas.

Tree Dwellers

Five Minnesota squirrels are considered tree dwellers: gray, red and fox squirrels, northern flying squirrels and southern flying squirrels. Red squirrels usually have only one litter per year but the other four generally raise two litters each year. These five species of tree-dwelling squirrels don't hibernate -- they're active all year except during extreme weather conditions.

Ground Squirrels

Two ground squirrel species exist in Minnesota. They are Franklin's ground squirrel and the Richardson ground squirrel. Both hibernate, choosing to spend the winter months holed up in underground burrows. The Franklin species prefers tall prairie-grass areas, whereas the Richardson breed likes to make its home in shorter grass. Both are omnivores, eating seeds, nuts, grains, bulbs, green vegetation, insects and other types of small invertebrates. While they do store food in their burrows, they don't eat it over the winter. Rather, it's a buffet awaiting their springtime wake-up call.


Minnesota has two species of chipmunks: least and eastern. Both species feature alternating dark and light stripes running the length of their bodies. The least chipmunk has nine stripes; the eastern chipmunk has seven. The eastern species makes its home near oak trees, which includes nearly the entire state save a few portions of its southern boundary. The least prefers Minnesota's northern coniferous forests.


The 13-lined squirrel technically is a ground squirrel, but Minnesota wildlife specialists place this critter in its own category. This is due to his unique pattern of 13 stripes running the length of his body, from head to tail. There are seven darker stripes separated by six lighter stripes. The stripes feature yellowish dots. They prefer grassland but are also adapted to city life invading attics as a nuisance pest. Despite this, the 13-lined has gained a following as the official mascot of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.