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Plans for Building an Iguana Cage

| Updated September 26, 2017

When making your plans for building an iguana cage keep in mind that adult iguanas can reach 6 to 8 feet in length. Also, remember that iguanas enjoy climbing and sunning themselves during the day when planning the height and location of your cage. You may even want to consider building an indoor-outdoor cage for your iguana.


Your plans for building an iguana cage should take into consideration the adult size of your iguana if you are starting out with a juvenile. You cage should be at least 6-feet long, 6-feet high, and 3-feet wide to accommodate an adult iguana and allow sufficient room for your iguana to turn and climb without knocking everything over, including its food dishes.


Iguanas need a sunning area to warm up because they are cold-blooded reptiles. Therefore, plans for your cage should include one or two heat lamps hanging from the top of the cage. Your cage also needs UVB and UVA florescent lights to help your iguana with vitamin absorption. A landing area is necessary with steps that allow your iguana to climb up to it; the landing should be about 2 feet below the heat lamps for daytime sunning.


It is necessary to sift through the sand or bedding in the bottom of the cage each day to remove uneaten food and iguana stool, so consider installing a large door through which an adult can easily fit. The cage should also provide a safe area for your iguana, so sand wooden areas smooth to avoid cuts and splinters. Further to prevent injury or escape, use unbreakable Plexiglas for window areas. For screens, choose a type that your iguana cannot tear or become entangled in.


Iguana cages can be elaborate with a large window for viewing your pets, log-size climbing areas, imitation plants and multiple sunning areas with a variety of landings. Some have indoor-outdoor access but if you reside in a cold climate be sure to plan a weatherproof access that you can close off in the winter. Other cages are quite simple, consisting of a wire mesh viewing area, one landing for sunning, with steps to reach the area. Cost and available space will be the deciding factors for those planning to build an iguana cage.


Iguanas are territorial so unless you are building a very large cage with multiple climbing and sunning areas, plan one cage for each pet. Dry iguana food contains the vitamins and nutrients necessary for your pet, but iguanas should receive fresh fruits and vegetables everyday. Consider placing a small access door for placing and removing food as iguanas sometimes bite hard enough to remove part of a finger. Handle your iguana often to keep it tame, and buy a harness and leash to keep it safe while out of the cage. Not keeping your cage clean can cause disease due to bacteria, mold and insects.