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How to Know if Your Pet Goat Likes You

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A properly socialized pet goat can be a very enjoyable addition to your family and home. While animals do not have the same definition of liking and disliking people as other humans do, you will be able to tell if your pet goat is happy in your care by his behavior.

Tame Goats

If you want a goat to like you and willingly interact with your family members, then you need to select a tame goat who has been bred by a responsible breeder who handles all of the kids from birth. A tame goat will have been taught since birth to accept human contact and will interact accordingly with people. A "wild" goat or one who was bred in captivity but never handled will be unlikely to trust people and may never learn to enjoy human contact.

Friendly Goats

The best sign that your goat likes you is that he behaves in a friendly manner towards you. A goat who likes you will come to you willingly and allow himself to be petted, fed and generally handled without protest. A very friendly goat may even follow you around or come to you upon catching sight of you entering his living area. A goat who does not like you or is indifferent to you will not willingly interact with you.

Lack of Aggression

Some goats are aggressive, especially bucks. Aggressive behavior can be a sign of a lack of respect or a challenge to your dominance. A goat who has been tamed well and likes and respects his owners is less likely to behave aggressively than a goat who does not like his handlers. Aggressive behavior such as biting, charging or attempting to gore you with horns can be a sign that your goat is afraid of you or actively dislikes you.

Making Friends

When you first get your new goat, you will need to allow some time for him to bond with you. Goats do better when they have at least one other goat for company. Lonely goats may display an assortment of unhappy and undesirable behavior. Spend time handling your goat regularly, feed him treats and try to interact with him in a pleasant manner. Do not yell at your goat or chase him, as this will make him fearful and less likely to trust you or behave in a friendly manner towards you.