How to Train a Rat to Respond to Its Name. You can teach an old dog new tricks and you can teach your pet rat new tricks too. This can be a fun way for you to bond with your rat and keep his mind stimulated. A great trick to start with is to train your rat how to respond to his name.
Sit on the floor with your rat away from you but within reaching distance so that you can catch him in case he wants to scurry on out of reach.
Call your rat's name and if he comes to you give him a treat. If he doesn't come over to you, put the treat in his line of vision and call him again. Repeat this until he begins to respond to his name or until he loses interest.
Use his name frequently when you're working with him as another way to help train your rat to respond to his name. Say his name whenever you hold him and give him affection.
Go to his cage and when he comes over to greet you, say his name and give him a treat to train him to respond to his name.
Give your rat positive reinforcement and praise when performing tricks correctly during your training sessions.
Never push your pet rat when training him to respond to his name or you will both quickly become frustrated. Teach new tricks only when he is ready to participate. Never scold your rat when you train him.
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