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How to Tell If the Chipmunk Is Male or Female

| Updated November 01, 2017

Chipmunks are lively creatures that many find make good pets. Whether you are mating your chipmunks or simply purchasing one, it is important to know the gender of your chipmunk. Knowing the sex of your pet is also important when determining how you will house him, as you shouldn’t place a male and female together, unless you are prepared for baby chipmunks. With a little practice and a deciphering eye, it’s easy to tell whether your chipmunk is male or female.

Pick your chipmunk up with your hands and place him on his back, with his rear closest to you. Your chipmunk will probably wiggle and protest, therefore, it may take a few times to successfully keep the rodent on its back.

Locate the genitals and anus. These features can be found towards the end of the chipmunk and will appear as two distinct bumps.

Look at the genital area, which is located above the anus. In the genital area, males will have two bumps that are about one centimeter apart from each other. In females, the bumps are touching each other.


  • If you are attempting to breed your chipmunks, it many take a few tries before you find two mates that are compatible. Introduce them both to their crate and closely monitor them to see if they get along. It is normal for chipmunks to play fight, but if you feel that they are actually fighting and are in danger of hurting each other, remove them and think about finding new mates.

    If you are keeping your chipmunk as a pet, be sure to keep him safe from any other pets you may have. You many want to consider attaching bells to the collars of your dogs or cats, so that you can keep track of their locations. They may only want to play with the chipmunk, but they can accidentally cause serious harm.