Jack Russell terriers are by nature strong willed, protective, territorial and stubborn. Bred to hunt and protect, Jack Russells instinctively bark in a protective manner when approached by both people and other dogs. Breaking the barking habit takes diligence and dedication. However, if you are dedicated to following through consistently with the training steps, then the odds are in your favor.
Provide your Jack Russell with plenty of toys to keep him entertained, as this breed tends to bark out of boredom. Make sure he has plenty of playthings when he is left home alone so that he doesn't have to bark to entertain himself.
Return home during the day, if possible, to interrupt his solitude and offer him an outside break. Consider hiring a dog sitter to come by the home and walk and play with him if it isn't possible for you to come home during the day.
Make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise when you spend time with him. Jack Russells are bred for hunting fox, and they have a great deal of energy they need to expend. Avoid letting that energy build up inside him, which often results in excessive barking.
Assist your dog in reaching items that he can not get to, such as a trapped toy or obstructed water bowl. Jack Russells often bark when frustrated, and they frustrate easily, so offer a helping hand when possible.
Do not allow Jack Russells to run back and forth in the yard barking at other dogs in the distance. Discourage barking by calling him in the house when he runs and barks. Although Jack Russells are known for running constantly, there is no need to let them bark while they run.
Use the ‘stop’ command when your Jack Russell begins to bark at people, other dogs, the doorbell, squirrels and the like.
Bring him inside if you are outside when he barks. Wait for 10 minutes, then let him out again. Repeat command and return inside if barking continues.
Ignore him completely if you are inside when he barks. Don't pay any attention to him until he stops barking. Offer verbal praise when he stops the behavior. Continue ignoring when he repeats the barking.
Be consistent in your training methods. Whichever method you choose, stick with it at all times. Jack Russells can be difficult to handle and they need clear, consistent rules to follow on a regular basis if they are to be successfully trained.
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Ablestock.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Writer Bio
Delialah Falcon has been writing professionally for eight years. With extensive experience in all aspects of both technical and creative writing, Falcon specializes in content writing, research, proofreading/editing and health/medical journalism. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English from Dowling College and a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in holistic nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health.