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How to Remove Fly Larvae From a Kitten

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Medical gloves

  • Tweezers

  • Antibacterial soap

  • Clean cloth

  • Antibiotics

Bot fly larvae are the most common fly larvae found in kittens and other small animals. Bot fly larvae live under the skin of warm-blooded animals, feeding off of dead tissue. They cause infection and discomfort to the infested kitten. To remove bot fly larvae, you must take great care not to harm your kitten further. There are several safety procedures to take during larvae removal.

Cover your hands with a pair of medical gloves. Nonlatex gloves are available if you suffer latex allergies. Use powder-free gloves only.

Separate the fur surrounding the fly larvae site. During removal you may accidentally pull your kitten's fur. Separating the fur around the burrow minimizes this risk.

Hold your kitten still, firmly with one hand. Position a pair of clean, sterilized tweezers in your dominant hand.

Place the tweezers at the opening of the larvae burrow and grasp the head of the fly larvae gently. Do not squeeze the larvae head or you will cause the larvae to burrow further into your kitten's skin.

Pull the larvae out gently and dispose of it. There may be more than one larvae present. Check your kitten thoroughly to ensure there are no more. If you find more larvae in the burrow, remove them with the tweezers as before.

Cleanse your kitten's skin with warm water, a clean, soft cloth and antibacterial soap. Fly larvae carry germs and can increase the chance of serious infection in kittens.

Visit your veterinarian with your kitten to obtain antibiotics. Your vet may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics for the vacant larvae burrow. Use all antibiotics as prescribed.


  • Larger burrows under your kitten's skin may indicate cuterebra infestation. Cuterebra are larger than bot flies and pose serious danger to your kitten. Take your kitten to the vet immediately. Do not attempt to remove cuterebra larvae yourself.