Things You'll Need
Piece of stiff cardboard
Medical tape
Gauze bandage
A crate or cage
A goose can hurt or break its leg by jumping from a perch or catching the leg on something sharp. If the goose's leg is broken or badly injured, it is advisable to take your feathered friend to the veterinary surgery to be checked out. In the meantime, or if it's a minor injury, make the animal more comfortable by making a leg brace or splint. Get a friend to help you carefully corral the goose, wrapping it in a towel to make the goose feel secure and keep you safe.
Cut the piece of cardboard to approximately the same length as the injured leg. Measure the cardboard by placing it against the leg. The top should be nestled into the feathers, and the bottom should reach the end of the gooses foot. Spread the webbing and foot flat onto the cardboard. Trim the cardboard if it is too long.
Place the goose's leg against the cardboard. Grip it tightly in place. Tape the foot and leg firmly onto the cardboard with medical tape, commonly available at pharmacies.
Wrap the gauze around the leg and the cardboard. Start wrapping at the bottom and continue until you reach the top. Repeat the process, this time from top to bottom. When you reach the bottom, secure the gauze by gently tearing it lengthwise so you have two ends. Wrap one end in each direction around the leg and tie the ends together.
Put the goose into a crate or cage until the leg heels, or until the veterinary surgery is open, as a free-roaming goose might re-injure the leg. Do not let the goose out. Make sure it has sufficient water and food while it is caged.
Ensure that the crate has holes so that the goose can breathe.
Photo Credits
goose image by KtD from
Writer Bio
Roxy Freeman has been writing professionally since 2006. She has written for "The Guardian," "The Daily Mail" and "YOU." She also works as a ghostwriter for authors. Freeman holds a National Certificate Training Journalists award from Brighton Journalist Works and a Bachelor of Arts in European politics from The Open University.