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How to Keep Baby Wren Birds Alive

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy kibble

  • Baby cereal (high protein)

  • Eye dropper or syringe

  • Berry basket

  • Newspaper pages

  • Desk lamp

  • Shoe box with lid

  • 80 to 90 watt light bulbs

Wrens are one of the most common species of bird across the western hemisphere. They are insect eating birds that can and will build their nests pretty much anywhere, in trees, shrubs, tin cans, old boots, or any place in your yard that they deem worthy.

Put the baby bird back in the nest if it is uninjured. If the nest cannot be found, which is typical because wrens tend to hide their nests, put some newspaper in the bottom of a berry basket, and put the wren in the berry basket and hide it in dense shrubbery. If the bird is injured, take it to your local veterinarian or wildlife conservation organization. If there is no interaction with the parents for three hours after the bird is placed back in the nest, assume the bird is an orphan and take the bird to the vet, wildlife conservation, or inside and care for the bird as follows in step 2 through 3.

Feed the bird every 15 to 20 minutes during daylight hours. Soak the puppy kibble in water until it is soft and pliable. Drain the water and mix one part kibble into 2 parts baby cereal. It must be a liquid consistency. Fill the dropper or syringe and squeeze the food into the bird's mouth. Be careful not to get the food underneath the tongue as that is the baby bird’s airways.

Line the shoe box with newspaper. Place the baby bird inside and poke holes in the top of the shoe box. Place the lid on the shoebox and aim the lamp toward the box. Put in the light bulb and turn it on.


  • When you find a baby bird, determine whether or not the bird is a nestling or a fledgling by putting your fingers into its feet. If it has a firm grasp on your finger, it is a fledgling. If there is little to no grasp on your finger, it is a nestling. Watch the bird nest you place the wren back in for the next two hours. If there is no parental interaction with the bird, assume that the parents have perished and call your local wildlife conservation. It is a myth that parent birds will abandon their young if they smell humans.


  • It is illegal to house wild birds, and they must be released as soon as possible, and it is important that there is very little human interaction so the bird does not become domesticated. It is HIGHLY recommended to give the bird to the proper authorities when it is found.