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How to Hatch Peacock Eggs

| Updated September 26, 2017

Peacock eggs are hatched using an incubation system that controls the temperature, humidity and position of the eggs. Hatching the eggs through incubation requires daily attention to ensure the proper climate requirements are met. Peacock eggs require 28 to 30 days of incubation time before they will hatch.

Incubator Placement and Setup

Place your incubator on a level surface. Positioning the incubator at an angle will alter the position of your eggs and decrease chances of success. Keep the incubator in an area with stable temperature and low humidity. A stable environment makes it easy to control the climate and optimize the conditions for hatching. A basement or mud room with little variance in temperature is a good choice. Any environment with outdoor exposure and exposure to the elements is a poor choice.

Temperature and Climate Settings

Set the thermostat to a constant setting of 99 to 100 degrees. Forced air incubators are ideal because the temperature is even over all of the eggs. Craig Hopkins, owner of Hopkins Livestock in Indiana, recommends a humidity level of 60 percent.

The humidity level in the incubator plays the biggest role in successful artificial incubation of peafowl eggs.

Climate settings are critical to hatching your peacock eggs. Monitor the climate controls each time you check the incubator to ensure they are stable.

Egg Position

Set the eggs in your incubator at a slight angle. Lay them on the tray with the large end elevated slightly higher than the narrow end. This position allows the embryo to form properly without becoming turned and stuck in an inverted position.

Turning the Eggs

Turn the eggs three times each day. Many incubators have an automatic turner that will change the angle of your eggs three to five times daily. For incubators without the turner, manually rotate your eggs 45 degrees each time you turn. Turning simulates natural disturbances in the nest and prevents the embryo from sticking to the shell and developing improperly.

Timing the Hatch

Peacock eggs will hatch within 28 to 30 days of beginning the incubation process. On day 26, move the eggs into the hatching space and do not touch or turn at all. The hatching area is a simple basket where the chicks can safely move around as they hatch. As the chicks hatch, move them into a safe space for rearing.