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How to Get Rid of a Parakeet

| Updated September 26, 2017

Parakeets can live for 5 to 8 years, which makes owning one a long-term commitment. If you cannot keep your parakeet for his entire lifespan, you will need to rehome him to a new owner who has the time, ability and means to take proper care of him. Choosing the right new home for him is part of being a responsible bird owner.

Reasons for Rehoming

Before you can start the rehoming process, you need to establish why you are rehoming your parakeet and whether these reasons need to be taken into consideration while you work to find your bird a new home. For example, a parakeet who was never tamed, behaves aggressively toward one or more household members or engages in otherwise undesirable behavior is going to be more difficult to rehome than a tame bird who enjoys being handled. If you are getting rid of your bird due to behavior problems, you need to disclose those issues to any potential new owners.

Bird Rescues and Adoption Organizations

A number of different organizations will help you find a new home for your parakeet. Most rescues will take in your parakeet and either house him on the property or with a foster caretaker until a permanent home can be found. Depending on how many birds they are already caring for and what their facility limitations may be, some organizations may require you to keep the bird until a new home is found. Others may require you to pay fees associated with the cost of the rehoming. Bird-specific rescues will generally be most helpful for rehoming your bird because they are more accustomed to dealing with the specific problems birds face when going into a new home and may also offer long-term support for the bird and new owner.

If you are unsure where to find a bird rescue in your area, you can search online, ask your veterinarian or contact a local parakeet club if one exists in your area. The members of a parakeet club may be able to help you find a new home for your bird.

Bird Sanctuaries

Bird sanctuaries provide lifelong homes for the birds that wind up in their care. A sanctuary may be the ideal home for an older bird or one with behavioral problems. Some sanctuaries may also offer adoption placement for animals deemed adoptable.

Pet Stores and Other Options

You can try to return your parakeet to the pet store from which you purchased it. You may also be able to get a pet store to resell your bird or to sell your bird on consignment. Giving your bird away, either to a friend or to a school class as a new class pet, can also provide your bird with a good long-term home.

Your goal is to find a responsible individual who will provide your bird with good care for the remainder of his life. Don't be afraid to ask questions of potential new owners, request veterinary references or even visit the home for an inspection prior to letting them have your bird.


  • Do not ever release an unwanted pet bird into the wild. Pet birds may be injured, killed, introduce new diseases or become a problem with local bird populations. Parakeets are classified as nuisance animals in certain areas. Some species of parakeet are also considered invasive species that can pose a threat to native bird populations if released into the wild.