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How to Feed Carrots to Cattle

| Updated August 11, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • 35 lbs. of carrots per cow

  • Storage bins


  • Carrots and other root vegetables do not contain the same threat of pesticides that other fruits and vegetables carry. When you purchase carrots from a vendor be clear about what animals you are feeding.

Raw root-vegetables lend energy and nutrition to livestock when used properly. When you supplement the dietary needs of your cattle with fresh vegetables, look for veggies that contain little-to-no pesticides. Carrots, unlike onions, will not cause milk to sour in dairy cattle. Fresh carrots are an acceptable way to add nutrition and energy to your cow's diet.

Calculate the cost of the carrots on an energy-versus-water basis. When you pay for feed, you are paying for dry material. Fresh produce contains water; However, carrots offer a substantial amount of energy versus water.

Store fresh carrots for two to three weeks before feeding them to your cattle. Eating too many fresh carrots at once can cause a condition called "scouring," according to Primary Industries and Resources SA. Store fresh carrots in an airtight container.

Feed your cattle at ground level to prevent choking. Hold the carrots low to the ground, if you are hand-feeding your cows or place the carrots into a low feed trough or on the ground. Cows can die from choking, if fed from the wrong height.

Do not feed your cows more than 35 pounds of carrots per day, and do not feed your cows only carrots.