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How to Clean a Hamster Cage With Urine That Is Hardened

| Updated September 26, 2017

Hardened mineral deposits on the side of your hamster's cage as a result of dried urine are a sign that you aren't cleaning your cage adequately. You can remove hardened urine stains with a little scrubbing and effort.

Cleaning Your Hamster's Cage

  1. Remove your hamster from the cage and place him in a safe holding container.
  2. Remove all of your hamster's toys, food dishes and water bottles.
  3. Remove all old bedding and trash from the cage and discard.
  4. Fill a sink or bucket with a disinfectant mixture, such as a 1:32 bleach mixture, or white vinegar. Submerge all your hamster's toys and supplies and let them soak for at least 10 minutes. Scrub them as needed with a sponge, washcloth or hard-bristled brush to get them clean.
  5. Scrape all of the hardened mineral deposits and urine-related buildup off the sides of your hamster cage. Paint scrapers are useful tools for this task.
  6. Soak the hamster cage itself with a disinfectant mixture or white vinegar. Allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes before scrubbing the cage. Pay special attention to the areas where the urine buildups were located. Scrub the cage until there is no sign of buildup. If the stain is stubborn,  soak it for an extended period of time.
  7. Dry the cage and your hamster's supplies. Place everything back in the cage with new bedding.
  8. Repeat this process once a week to prevent buildup and stains from reoccurring.