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Do Hamsters Prefer Warm or Cold Climates?

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When you're trying to make your pet hamster's living situation as comfortable, pleasant and healthy as possible, temperature is very important. Although the native habitat of wild hamsters is dry and warm, temperate climes are optimal for the satisfaction of your wee fluff ball.

Warm or Cold

Hamsters do not prefer either warm or cold climates. The tiny rodents function well in temperate climates. If the weather is mild, then your hammie will probably be one happy camper. In extreme heat or frigid conditions, not so much.

Suitable Temperature

The Humane Society of the United States recommends anywhere between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit for your hamster's living environment. Take great care to ensure that your hammie never gets too hot or too cold. Make sure his cage is never close to a fireplace, for example

As for colder weather, make sure the room temperature never dips to less than 60 degrees, as that could lead to exhaustion and lethargy. With temperatures under 50 degrees, your pet hamster could go into hibernation mode. Extreme cold can kill hamsters.


If your hamster is hibernating, he might appear unconscious or dead. Though warmth can bring your hammie back to consciousness, he might take more than 30 minutes to return to his normal behavior.

If this happens to your hamster, notify your veterinarian immediately. Your pet's health depends on you, and this situation is potentially life-threatening.


Hamsters are especially delicate when it comes to the harshness of sunlight. If you live in a warm climate with bright days, always keep your pet's cage far away from windows. Direct sunlight is never good for hamsters.