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What Is the Habitat of a Fried Egg Jellyfish?

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The ocean is full of seemingly endless fascinating and diverse organisms, and the fried egg jellyfish (Phacellophora camtschatica) is definitely one of them, with a look that is oddly reminiscent of eggs dumped in the sea. "Egg yolk jelly" is another common moniker for the species, which lives in seas around the world.

Fried Egg Jellyfish Basics

The main body -- or "bell" -- of the fried egg jellyfish can grow to up to 2 feet in diameter. His tentacles can surpass 20 feet long. Fried egg jellyfish have a pale yellow center surrounded by opaque or white tissue. Their tissues consist heavily of water -- roughly 95 percent. These sizable and sluggish invertebrates feed on zooplankton, especially smaller jellies, which they retrieve through stinging via the nematocysts of their tentacles. The stings of these creatures are rather moderate in intensity. Numerous animals routinely prey on fried egg jellyfish, including water birds, fish and sea turtles.


Fried egg jellyfish aren't overly picky about their locations. They are commonly seen in waters off of the United States' West Coast, in regions such as southern California all the way up to the Gulf of Alaska. Outside of the United States, fried egg jellyfish also inhabit waters near Japan and Chile. They also reside in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

Natural Habitat

These jellyfish live in temperate and open-ocean settings. They frequently reside in benthic area of the water, essentially at the bottom, in areas where the water isn't too deep. The jellies often give off the impression of being completely still, without displaying even a hint of noticeable movement. They move by pulsing their bells gently to push through the water.

Along for the Ride

Fried egg jellyfish make their habitats in the open ocean while some animals inhabit fried egg jellyfish bodies. Amphipods and crabs alike sometimes ride on the outside or inside of fried egg jellyfish bells. Juvenile jack fish gravitate to the protection found inside fried egg jellyfish tentacles, as well.