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Do Guinea Pigs Need Immunizations?

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Owning a pet is a commitment of love, energy, time and resources, and that involves everything from regular interaction, veterinary care and beyond. If you have a guinea pig in your care, routine veterinary examinations are indeed necessary. However, the fluffy rodents do not need any immunizations.

Do Guinea Pigs Need Immunizations?

Although immunization against diseases is frequently vital for many types of pets, including cats, dogs and rabbits, the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania says vaccinations are unnecessary for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs, experts say, are rarely exposed to infectious diseases due to their comparably confined and isolated lifestyles. For example, a dog that goes on regular outdoor walks has a much higher risk of encountering a dangerous disease than a guinea pig that spends most of the day in a caged environment.

If you want to make sure your state or region doesn't have legislation requiring vaccinations for your guinea pig -- or any type of pet, for that matter -- speak to your veterinarian for more information.

Regular Veterinary Care

Although guinea pigs do not need immunizations, that in no way means they don't need veterinary attention just like all other pets. Even if your guinea pig isn't exhibiting signs of malaise or pain, it's crucial to take him in for a veterinary examination at least once every 12 months or so. It's also important to bring your pet in if he's injured or if anything else seems amiss in terms of behavior or health.

Symptoms of Possible Ill Health

Always pay close attention to your guinea pig's well-being. If something seems wrong, take him to the veterinarian immediately. Some signs that may indicate illness or pain in your cutie include runny discharge of the nose or eyes, abnormal bleeding, changes in water consumption patterns, bloody urine, problems breathing, diarrhea, rapid weight gain or loss, decreased body temperature, contact sensitivity, lethargy, decreased energy, irregularities with the skin, difficulty walking and swelling.

Exotic Veterinarian

When looking for a qualified veterinarian to handle all of your precious cavy's healthcare needs, seek out a professional who specializes in "exotic animals" if at all possible. Guinea pigs are not quite as common as dogs or cats in the household pet world, so "normal" veterinarians may not have the training necessary for managing guinea pigs.