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Goat Characteristics

i John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

When you envision a goat, the image of a domesticated animal on a farm probably comes to mind. The domestic goat (Capra hircus) that you see today, however, is a result of the taming of the wild goat (Capra aegagrus). Wild goats live all throughout eastern Europe and in central and southwestern parts of Asia, and although they're similar to their domesticated counterparts, they're distinctly their own entities.

Physical Characteristics of the Domestic Goat

Domestic goats are usually somewhere between 100 and 120 pounds, according to Animal Bytes of SeaWorld. These members of the family Bovidae exist in an array of different coat colors, including brown, tan, red, black and white. Some domestic goats also have several different colors on their coats. Females tend to be smaller than males. Domestic goats display horns that are erect rather than curling, and both genders can have them -- same as beards.

Lifestyle Characteristics of the Domestic Goat

Domestic goats live all around the world in many settings, especially farms. As long as grass is around, these goats can manage. Because of their tame natures, they are suitable in areas that have fences that can prevent predators from gaining access to them. These grazing creatures consume a lot of grass -- both dry and fresh. Leaves are another important staple of the domestic goat diet, whether from shrubs, trees or bushes.

Physical Characteristics of the Wild Goat

Wild goats are considerably heftier than domestic goats. These mountain-dwelling creatures usually are somewhere in the range of 130 and 300 pounds. Wild goats have very thick and rough fur, which generally is white, red, black, brown or gray. Just as with domestic goats, wild goats can also have several different colors on their coats. Both sexes have horns, but male wild goats have significantly bigger ones than females. Their horns also are much larger than those of domestic goats. Again, as with domestic goats, both sexes of wild goats can be bearded.

Lifestyle Characteristics of the Wild Goat

Wild goats live in many different countries, from Iran and Lebanon to Syria and Pakistan. They thrive in conifer forests and in rugged montane regions, especially those that have ample vegetation and stony outcroppings. Wild goats are especially prevalent in dry, arid locales. Diet-wise, they consume a lot of tree bark, berries, foliage, twigs and grass.