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Gestation of Canary Eggs

i Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

Canaries typically breed in the spring as daylight hours begin to lengthen. A female canary typically has three to five eggs per clutch, laying one egg per day until the clutch is complete. Baby canaries take 13 to 14 days to develop in the eggs before hatching; the exact length of time depends on how much time the mother canary spends on the nest.


Setting is the process whereby the mother canary sits on the nest and incubates the eggs. Because each egg is born on a different day, setting doesn’t typically begin until the mother canary lays all the eggs. Eggs typically begin to hatch 13 days after setting begins; but if the mother canary does not sit on the nest regularly, this time may last longer.

Fertile or Not

If 14 or 15 days elapse and none of the eggs hatch, they may not be fertile. To check the fertility of an egg, quickly shine a flashlight on the egg. Dark, solid eggs are typically fertile, while see-through eggs are not.