The peafowl umbrella covers three species: green peafowl (Pavo muticus), Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) and Congo peafowl (Afropavo congensis). The males of these pheasants are well-known as peacocks; the females are called peahens. Green peafowl are the only endangered species.
Endangered Green Peafowl
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species categorized Green peafowl as an "endangered species" in 2012. This status is a result of the species' extremely swift dropping in population. The population of adult green peafowl is believed to be somewhere between 10,000 and 19,999 specimens. With juveniles also taken into consideration, the population is thought to be somewhere in the scope of 15,000 and 30,000 birds. The downward direction of the species' population started in the beginning half of the 20th century. Some conservation efforts for the species are in play, including captive reproduction efforts and the designation of protected sanctuaries.
Habitat Problems
Changes in natural habitat are a big factor in the falling population of green peafowl, often due to human structural development and expansion. Green peafowl are frequently driven out of their living environments, and left with no appropriate places to live and thrive. Because of habitat ruination, many communities of peafowl are scattered remotely throughout their geographic base, making the odds of them fully dying out in certain spots an unpleasant but realistic possibility.
Another major danger to the green peafowl population is hunting. These southeastern Asian natives are sought both for their vivid plumage, flesh, eggs and youngsters. Their eggs and hatchlings or peachicks are valued in the pet industry.
Nuisance to Crops
Green peafowl are thought of as agricultural nuisances in some areas of Asia, namely Thailand and China. Because of that, they are often poisoned by farmers, which leads to another threat to their numbers.
Indian and Congo Peafowl
The IUCN categorizes Indian peafowl as as animals of "least concern." Their population is thought to be steadfast and under control, and they are believed to be abundant in their living environments. The IUCN lists Congo peafowl, however, are "vulnerable," which means future endangerment could be in the cards. As with green peafowl, the population of Congo peafowl is diminishing. Many different things contribute to this, including mining, timber harvesting, farming, acquisition of their eggs, human expansion and hunting. As with the endangered green peafowl, conservation missions do exist for Congo peafowl -- think breeding plans in captive environments.
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