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Dominican Snakes

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Only a few species of snakes roam the forests and wetlands of the Dominican Republic, a nation on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. While visiting the island, coming in contact with a snake is very unlikely, since they live in areas where humans generally do not frequent. Additionally, the snakes on the island are not venomous and generally offer no threat to humans.

Blunt-Headed Tree Snake

The blunt-headed tree snake (Imantodes cenchoa) is found in the central area of the Dominican, mostly in the tropical rain forest. This snake is generally green in color, but may also be brown. As the name implies, it generally lives in trees. When fully grown, these snakes may reach 2 feet in length. The blunt-headed tree snake feeds mainly on other reptiles and amphibians, but may eat rodents and birds as well.

Hispaniola Boa

The Hispaniola boa, called the Culebra Jaba in Dominica Republic, is known scientifically as Epicrates striatus. This is the largest snake in the country, reaching up to 13 feet in length, and can be found throughout the entire island of Hispaniola. It is nocturnal and prefers dark areas, such as caves and hollow trees and is brown, gray, black or red in color. The Hispaniola boa constricts or squeezes its prey, which generally consists of rodents and small mammals. This boa is a good swimmer as well.

La Hotte Blind Snake

The la hotte blind snake (Typhlops agoralionis) is relatively small, only reaching around 3 feet in length. The species is often born without eyes, hence its name. Generally, this species lives in trees or dark areas and prefers the rain forest, just like the blunt-headed tree snake. Rodents and birds comprise the major portion of its diet. It's skin varies widely and may be green, brown, black or gray, solid or speckled.

Less Common Snakes and Other Reptiles

Other species found in the Dominican include the Hispaniolan trope and w-headed racer. These may be found in wooded areas or dry, flat lands. While snakes are few and far between on the island, it is home to a large number of toads and frogs. Also, several species of lizards, such as the black-throated stout, banded iguana and northern green anole, call the Dominican home. Salamanders, such as the Hispaniolan earless galliwasp, also live there. Additionally, the leatherback and hawksbill turtles roam the island.