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Difference Between Males & Females of the Common Myna Bird

i Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images

Common mynas (Acridotheres tristis), often called Indian mynas, are native to Asia and were introduced to Honolulu in 1879. These members of the starling family are prized for their uncanny ability to mimic human speech. Males and females talk equally well. Visible differences between the sexes are subtle and few.

Taking a Guess

Common myna bird males and females look alike. They have no external features that distinguish gender. Adult males are slightly larger, and their wattles, or skin flaps on their necks, are a bit longer. Males typically are bolder. The distance between the pelvic bones is wider in adult males than in females -- not that you could tell that from casual observation. Juvenile males and females are identical in appearance.

If Gender Matters

The only surefire ways to determine whether a common myna is male or female are surgical sexing procedures or DNA sexing sourced from feathers, blood or eggshells.