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Cortisone Medications for Dogs

| Updated September 26, 2017

Cortisone medications are also called glucocordicoids and corticosteroids. They are often used for dogs with Addison's disease, osteochondrosis, severe arthritis and allergies. They work by helping to reduce inflammation, which in turn helps to reduce pain. Cortisone is a synthetic medication that mimics the natural hormone cortisol, and can only be purchased with a veterinarian's prescription.


Cortisone medications come in oral tablets and injections. Tablets can be given one to three times a day, depending on your veterinarian's advice.

Liver Problems

With long-term use, there is a slight chance of liver damage. Any dog on cortisone medications needs to take liver functioning tests.

Generic Names

Cortisone medications are a family of drugs. Specific generic drug names include prednisone, betamethasone, cortisone acetate, dexamethasone and hydrocortisone.

Side Effects

Normal side effects include an increase of appetite and thirst, more frequent urination and weight gain.


Never give human cortisone medications to your dog. They will be far too strong for a dog and will get him sick.