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How to Take Care of Baby Budgies

i Hemera Technologies/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images

When caring for newborn budgies, it is important to let the parents do the job that nature has had them doing for generations. There are some things you can watch for and do to make sure your chicks are healthy and well-socialized, such as teach them good hygiene, cleanliness and socialization.

Light Sensitivity

When baby budgies are born, they are blind and naked. When providing any care for them, make sure to keep their delicate eyes out of direct light and keep the nesting box they were born in insulated from the elements. There should be sufficient airflow for the newborn chicks and the adult birds, but they should not be subject to excess wind or moisture for the sake of their health. This is less of a concern when the chicks are developed around four weeks of age and they venture out of the nesting box of their own accord.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

Most momma budgies are good about keeping their young ones clean, but it is always a good idea to make sure your little chicks' feet and beaks are kept free of buildup and debris. The buildup of dirt on their feet can lead to infections and problems walking, while the buildup of food or grime in the beak area can lead to malformed beak and other health concerns. If you must handle the chicks before they are 2 weeks old, try to touch them as little as possible. This will help their mother stay bonded to them because they will smell like her, not human hands.

Socialization and Behavior

If you want your budgies to be pets, it is necessary to socialize them properly and get them used to human touch and interaction. This can begin as soon as the chicks are fully developed, but not before if you intend your budgies to stay in the nesting box with their parents. If the budgie does not recognize the chick because he smells like humans, she will reject the chick and will no longer care for him. Start off with 10 minutes a day per chick, increasing the time once a week by a few minutes as each chick allows.

Gaining Independence

One of the most important stages of a baby budgie's life is when the adult budgies leave the nesting box and stop feeding the little ones. In a healthy, well-developed budgie this will mean leaving the box in search of food. If for some reason one of your chicks does not, you can remove him from the box and encourage him to join the rest of his siblings in exploring the world. At this point the budgie should continue to grow and mature until he is an adult without much human interference.