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Are Elephant Ears Poisonous to Dogs?

| Updated September 26, 2017

What looks to you like a decorative houseplant could look like a tasty snack to your dog. Some plants, including elephant ears, can make your dog sick if it chews on the leaves or stems.


Elephant ear plants contain calcium oxalate crystals. Oxalate crystals are tiny and found in a plant's juice or sap. They are shaped like needles or sharp splinters of glass, according to the California Poison Action Line.


A dog that has eaten part of an elephant ear plant will experience painful, burning oral irritation. According to the ASPCA, the dog could drool excessively and vomit. It might have difficulty swallowing after chewing on an elephant ear plant.


Your veterinarian can offer supportive care to your dog after it ingests an elephant ear plant. This can include administering fluids if the dog is dehydrated and washing out its mouth to remove the damaging crystals, according to "The Dog Bible."