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About Laser Cat Declawing

| Updated August 11, 2017

Although cat declawing surgery can be performed with a scalpel, it's frequently performed with a light beam instead. This procedure is known as laser declawing. Owners who wish to remove their cats' claws sometimes opt for laser declawing due to reduced bleeding and pain compared to the more standard procedure.

Laser Declawing Basics

Declawing entails the extraction of the final digits of cats' toes, where their claws emerge. When veterinarians declaw cats, they remove the claws and the final digits while the cats are under general anesthesia. Veterinarians sometimes employ scalpel blades to make these amputations. This is not the case with laser declawing, however. With laser declawing, light beams sever and burn cats' tissues simultaneously. This simultaneous action is believed to encourage speedier healing.

Although laser declawing is associated with many benefits, there's still scant information regarding final outcomes of both standard and laser declawing techniques. As far as outcomes go, laser declawing is believed to cause less tissue trauma, however.

Laser Declawing Advantages

Although laser declawing is generally pricier than standard declawing, many people prefer it because it offers several advantages. The lasers close the blood vessels and nerve endings which reduces bleeding. This closing not only reduces bleeding, but it also decreases swelling, inflammation and pain. It also promotes quicker recovery. Cats sometimes don't even require bandages after laser declawing. While laser procedures lessen pain, they don't completely eliminate it, however.

Recovery Process

When vets are through performing laser declawing procedures, they seal up the skin with adhesive and sometimes place post-operative bandages over it. They prescribe pain medications to cats, which are administered over the course of a few days. Cats generally remain at their veterinary clinics overnight after laser declawing. In the morning, their veterinarians assess their condition and then observe all of their toes. Cats generally recover from laser cat declawing procedures no more than a month after receiving them.

Suitable Candidates

Laser declawing procedures are not considered to be appropriate for all felines. Veterinary clinics may establish specific requirements for their declawing candidates. Cats are often permitted to receive laser declawing once they're at least three months in age and weigh roughly 4 to 5 pounds. Veterinary professionals frequently recommend declawing younger felines, although older animals can sometimes get the procedures, too. Younger felines usually heal from declawing quicker.