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What Does It Mean When a Turtle Keeps Flipping Over?

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Turtles on their backs are vulnerable. It's difficult for many of them to right themselves. If flipping over occurs frequently to your pet, something is wrong with him. If he exhibits any symptoms of illness along with the flipping, take him to the vet for a thorough examination. If his appetite and behavior is otherwise normal, investigate his living conditions to see if you need to make changes.

Turtle Illness

Turtles with serious respiratory infections, often those resulting from vitamin A deficiencies, might tilt to the side when swimming, which could cause them to flip over. A lack of vitamin A changes a turtle's mucous membranes in his eyes, mouth and respiratory tract. Early signs of an infection include lack of appetite, nasal discharge, eyelid swelling and discharge, ear swelling and bubbling in the mouth. By the time the turtle starts tilting or flipping, the infection has gone into his lungs. He can no longer stay buoyant in the water. Take your pet to the vet as soon as he exhibits abnormal symptoms or behavior.

Illness Prevention

Although you can't prevent all respiratory infections, feeding your turtle a proper diet -- high in vitamin A -- lessens his chances of getting sick. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations regarding a high-quality commercial diet. Avoid feeding your pet iceberg lettuce or a diet consisting solely of meat. Offer him treats of live worms. He can also have regular amounts of dark green, leafy vegetables containing lots of vitamin A. Limit feeding to what he can consume in 10 minutes.

Aquarium Issues

The right aquarium setup protects your turtle; the wrong one might kill him. It's important that your aquarium is large enough so that your turtle has sufficient room for swimming. That includes the length of the aquarium and the depth of the water. Keep the water level deeper than the width of your turtle. Otherwise, he can more easily flip over and is less likely to get himself upright. The result might be fatal.

Fighting Turtles

If you keep several turtles together and find one frequently flipped on his back, observe their behavior carefully. It's possible that you have two or more male turtles in a tank with females. When breeding season comes around, adult male turtles might start fighting over the females. A stronger male might flip a weaker one over. Male turtles might also harass female turtles, attempting to breed. Females can become flipped over and injured. Male turtles can also fall onto their backs after mating.